Transparency & trust
Know where your giving goes
AIRO’s operational expenses are funded by Venture, a private group of donors. This means 100% of your donation goes toward eliminating barriers to advance the gospel among unreached people groups. We believe you deserve to know exactly where your giving goes; you can count on it!

Join the Ropeholders
The Ropeholders are a community of faithful believers dedicated to eliminating barriers and advancing the gospel to the unreached. 100% of your donation goes toward this mission, every single time.
A Ropeholder is a monthly donor who invests directly in our Student Debt Repayment Program.
Ropeholders leverage their time, talent, and treasure to hold the rope for missionaries bringing the gospel to the unreached.

The Great Commission in today’s world.
That’s a major problem,We long to see the day when all people have access to the good new of Jesus. Until then, we are on a mission to eliminate barriers to advance the gospel to places it is not yet.
Meet the Ropeholders behind the mission.
Download your Global Prayer Guide today!
Join 24,896 believers in praying for the unreached!